Abundance : How to be abundant

abundance Abundance...well it's the first thing all men realise to be a resource in their everyday lives. But what exactly is abundance?? What is it for?? Who is it for?? How do you attract or attain it??

Ask yourself all that before you read down this post, it'll help you understand and you'll learn and digest the words better. Alright, after you've made answers in your head....lets move.

Ok, I need you to understand, it's extremely important that you understand. This is a big-deal kind of issue, so engage with your mind as you read and pay attention.


What it is not??

(I'll use the word "money" to refer to all material things men desire, all the wealth, silver, and bling-bling stuff people love)
It is not a lot of money...I repeat, it's not a lot of money. When you live in abundance, you evidently and surely have a lot of money but it's not the money that defines abundance itself.

There's a big difference between money and abundance. Whether you call it abundance or the law of attraction or super-secret thingy that makes someone stand out on the good side of all things.

Here's the difference, money follows abundance. Money is a resource that is anchored in abundance. There are a lot of things that follow abundance, a lot more valuable than money. I don't want to confuse you here, the problem is that men are born without knowledge and then live a life too short to learn and understand what really matters.

The majority of people who read this post are most probably searching for some super-secret or magic-thought of becoming wealthy or living a great life.

Let me break it to you, the actual thing that nature drives is the other way round. You ought to be seeked and followed by what you're seeking and following.

The world refuses to learn and understand that, and you don't want to be part of that. Even those who follow and get hold of money, if it came by following it, it won't satisfy and they'll still feel empty and unfulfilled. It's not the money that satisfies, but the abundance.
I can't stress enough how much you need to understand...having a couple of millions or billion dollars in your bank account shouldn't be the goal.

Get your head off that kind of thinking, you'll end up like the majority, that works and build businesses for the sole purpose of bringing in $$$ and chase it when it runs from them, then try to build their glory on the money.

The money-is-all mentality is void of understanding and closes men in a loop of running, working and chasing and dying.

It's our modern civilizations that have made money the core of all exchanges and as a result men are forced to prioritize money to that extend were all they see needing is money.
That's a punch in the face for all men because it closes our eyes to see and judge the real value of things, what actually resonates to our benefit, what abundance truly is.

What abundance is...

A definition in words won't make you understand deeply. Let me give reference to something you most probably see everyday.

Have you ever noticed people or a person in your daily living that is just great at everything. They just seem to know and do things just perfectly. Everyone loves them, everything favors them all the time.

The kind of people who are just too nice, too smart, too adorable, too good. Their whole personality makes you wonder how-is-he-that-extreme-good.

That's the man or woman living in abundance. Nature and law serves that kind of people to bias and drive to them all the good, the money, the love, the favour and of course, the bling-bling that everyone else chases. Their desire doesn't die unfulfilled.
So don't take abundance to be the bling-bling but take it to be a version of you that attracts the bling-bling.

Abundant people inevitably end up with a lot of money, even if their parents were poor, even if they're from some poor country, even if they don't have a job or a business.

They have the most satisfactory marriages, they live long. Everything just works for them, they live in what others seek without lifting a finger the same way everyone else does.

Here's what these kind of people have that you don't, and what they do that you don't, what makes them stand out....what they have is some special kind of KNOWLEDGE, what they do is they EXECUTE that knowledge within themselves. They understood something and did what they learned on themselves.

Alright...I know you want to live in abundance, everyone does but the problem is that everyone doesn't know, and what's even more surprising is that almost everyone doesn't want to know.

People fail to judge the value of this knowledge because it doesn't have a price tag on it and also it's not the easiest thing to understand. People just scream "Life is not fair", then go back to their chasing, it's very sad.


The big "but" is that YOU DON'T WANT TO BE THE MAJORITY OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE that cast away knowledge and live the so-called ordinary or normal life which is miserable and filled with great uncertainty. Do you?? No, you don't.

You want to be among the abundant.

So how exactly do you climb your way, how do you force all the universe to favor you and create events that benefit you.

Sounds creepy but that's what happens.

In fact, there's no event, whether good or bad, that happens without some spiritual drive behind it. First you need to understand how this abundance comes.

Who is it for??

This is where most of the people just give up, when they reflect on the bad side of the coin...Some just refuse to give in, some just back off and go back to the "life-is-not-fair" kind of living, some just assume all this to be a big lie, especially the science community which fails to understand.

Someone will say, "This guy was successful but he was never like this..."
Another will say, "What you say doesn't have any value to me, it's just beliefs that bring nothing..."

Lots of excuses, and if you're not an abundant person right now, you'll also have an excuse pop in your head. And that excuse will be based on what you see happening in the world. What others have that you see, and what others don't have that you have.

If an excuse doesn't pop in your head, it doesn't mean that you're abundant, you still have to discover who or what you are. I'm trying to convey this knowledge without being blunt. The knowledge is essential but it's underrated in the world. Do not despise it.

Alright...here's the man or woman that is fit to be abundant.

The one who is at peace with all truth, that's all there is to the man or woman.
Sounds simple right...

There is no reason for this man/woman to be lacking. He/she chooses to be ideal for everyone and everything for no reason.

(Lets just use "she" instead of "he/she" but it can be a man or woman)

She doesn't seek abundance, but she desires it. She doesn't pursue it but she eventually finds herself in abundance. She sees all the injustice going on in the world, all the falsehood, all the bling-bling, all that the crowd does, all the good and bad gospel but she's not influenced.

Not that she's ruthless in her thinking or that she's proud in any way but that she's aware of what she is and knows what truth says about her.

[Dear reader, it's not complicated, but refuse not to understand. Don't push it all away before you understand. This isn't religious talk, you gotta understand...people with debased minds fill the world of this age, you don't wanna get into or continue in the loops of chasing stuff]

She's aware of what truth is, and lives as humans are meant to live. She knows what being human means and knows her fate. She knows what she doesn't know and what she's supposed to know.

She's just ideal, everything and everyone is ashamed to be false to her because there's no reason for anything or anyone to be false to her. She uses her free will to pursue the truth she doesn't know, when she finds it she applies it to herself.

Abundance, peace, wisdom, knowledge, perfection, power follows such a person. Not just that, a lot follows such a person. All good substance and power seek to centralize itself on such a person.

All these things don't have a price tag on them but when you have them you see that they're worth more than all the money in the world.

You might wanna read : The glory of power and wisdom

Ok that's the result and benefits of it....and if you desire it, that's a good thing. Not the desire for abundance, but the desire for being at peace with all truth. Lets explain what it means to be at peace with all truth.

Being at peace with all truth

Being at peace with all truth is having all the requirements of all nature, all law, all judgement and all reason accomplished in you. What do I mean...I'll break it down more.

I mean that your personality will be a recipe of good discretion, all your work driven by a diligent hand, all feelings born of love, your eyes seeing all things pure as they are.

You'll be ideal and perfect and you'll be desperately seeking to be more ideal and perfect. Hopefully you've understood.

You got to this page to know how to be abundant right....now lets get to the exciting part. The how-part.

How do you attract it or attain it...

The-law-of-attraction Ok....this will be a big challenge for many of you guys. Because we live in a world where falsehood hovers over our heads and all evil invests all itself to keep you ignorant.

There are a lot of people who don't believe in spiritual stuff, some believe a little, some believe too much and others don't believe at all.
That makes the scale or measure of ignorance we have. And the greatest of all ignorance is not knowing that you don't know, and being crippled in mind to learn what you don't know.

The goal is being abundant right. Being at peace with all truth will accomplish more than just our goal. When you attain it, you'll be abundant BUT you won't prioritize your abundance because you'll have greater stuff on your hands.

Things like power and wisdom, once you taste the pleasure and advantage that comes along with them, you won't stop devoting your will to develop yourself to become more and advanced because their glory is extremely heavy.

Way heavier and better than the glory of abundance. Anyway, that's a huge topic for another blog post, lets continue with our topic on abundance.

Alright...the way to be abundant. It's a process, how fast you get over with that process depends on you. Some take a few hours, some a few days, some a few months, some a few years, some a lifetime, some fail.

Usually those that fail are the ones that decide to cast all this away, they render all this to be nothing because they don't see how their bank account is going to grow fat by devoting their mind to something which isn't money-related. That's the money-is-all mentality, the virus that has crippled men's discretion. So sad.

The process...

Here's what you gotta do, and the stuff you need to adjust
  • You need to kill yourself. Let me explain...
I don't mean hanging yourself or suffocate yourself. No, not that kind of death. There's a part of yourself that you inherited from your parents when they conceived you. Everyone is born with it but it's up to a person to live and die with it.

It came from the first humans, when they brought imperfection on themselves. If you're familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, that's the story. I know they're people who don't believe this kind of stuff but truth doesn't change even if all cast it away.

It's up to you to take it or leave it. The religious community calls it the human spirit or sin, others call it "perfect imperfection"

Whatever you call it, it's that thing that is desperately wicked and its work in you makes you nasty or imperfect in your thinking or in what you feel and in all your work.

Let me highlight its work with an example...It might be you, don't get offended.

In other people, it just causes them to gossip and lie about other people. Everyone knows it's not nice but the people keep doing it. They do it until they can't stop even when they want to stop gossiping. That's the "thing" at work, it sells you to itself until you're a full reflection of it and you ultimately believe that's the real you.

That's the thing you have to kill. So how do you kill it...

There is only one way to do away with it

I'll tell you the way, and here it is. Believe in truth.

After that, FIGHT the sin...wrestle with it, kick it off, flog it until it's dead. Fight and suppress the bad thoughts, call off and ignore all craving for bad-talk and force yourself to think and feel what is fitting.
If there is one man or woman in a million that doesn't lie, let it be you. If there is one person in a billion that can fight and control thoughts, let it be you.

It's very hard but possible, hard in the beginning but as time moves on and you learn how to flog the "thing" down, things will settle.
And you'll have a new you inside. Don't worry, all nature and law  will help you, in fact God is literally working day and night to get men to be what they really are by spreading truth.

After this part, 99.99% of what you have to do is done. It's the most difficult but much of the work.

  • You gotta learn
This part is exciting and you're gonna die doing it. There's a part of you, that is really you, the soul. It's free to do what it wants as long as the "thing" is dead.

Dedicate yourself to grow it. How do you grow it, by learning. The more it knows, the more its abilities are extended and magnified. There's more to this, I don't wanna make this post very long, but you learn from the Bible and from revelations.

But as far as abundance is concerned, here are the things you gotta apply to yourself, to the real you:

  • All that has a reward when well accomplished has a punishment for it's failure
  •  Your flesh will provoke you when you toil, it will curse you when you enslave it and it will be even ungrateful when you feed it. You're not gonna listen to it.
  • When you work to your glory, your work and its fruit will be to your shame and loss. But when you work to the glory of God and to the disapproval of greed, your work will earn you praise both from God and men. You can't seek fame or money, you can only earn it when its given to you, not as reward but as a by-privilege for the fruit of selfless work.

[ Note - working to the glory of God isn't preaching or church-stuff. Anyone, doctors or accountants or programmers work to the glory of God if their real-selves find joy in what they're doing ]


That's all for abundance, but sternly speaking, abundance will be just a thing trailing behind you. It won't matter much to you, you'll be having greater and more fun and satisfying stuff on your hands.

If you enjoyed or learned anything from this post, share it with a brother or sister.

Love yaa.

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